Saturday, October 31, 2009

Autumn Limited Edition Breyer Model Horse

Breyer horses are not for everyone. They are only for those of us who have had a lifetime love affair with this magnificent species but cannot afford our own stables filled with them. Breyer lets us have a huge collection of horses representing a huge variety of colors, stories, and breeds. Breyer limited editions offer a chance to own a very special Breyer that absolutely will never be offered for sale outside a very limited period of time.

In 2009, Breyer changed their approach to their holiday-themed limited editions and produced an Autumn horse (they had done Halloween horses in the past). Autumn is the Breyer 2009 Limited Edition fall horse, and it has been perhaps the most anticipated special edition that we have ever carrier.
Morgans are one of the oldest US horse breeds - compact and refined in build, with strong limbs, an expressive face, large eyes, well-defined withers, laid back shoulders, a well arched neck, and a clean cut head. Morgans originated in Vermont, and Autumn's color is said to match resplendent fall colors of this lovely state.
If you love horses, and if you collect Breyer Horses, you should take a look at Autumn. He's truly spectacular, and your Breyer barn will be improved with his addition!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Piano Rules Simplified

I got a call from the good folks at Toy Directory magazine today announcing that they have simplified the rules for the great piano giveaway. You may now submit your applications via email, and no video is required. My own piece in this has not changed! I am challenging Colorado kids to enter, and if one wins, there will be a Schoenhut toy grand donated to a school of the winner's choice, another Schoenhut toy grand piano donated to the Rocky Mountain Center for Musical Arts, and a $100 gift certificate good at PlayFair Toys. Wow!

Teaching children the joys of giving and the value of music in our lives and our communities - what a powerful thing to do - what a gift to give - in this day and age. Please let everyone you know who might be interested in participating in this glorious philanthropic opportunity about this contest -

Why am I throwing in 2 pianos and $100??? Has the Prof gone mad? Not at all! (I was already slightly eccentric...). You see, my own lifetime love of music started with a toy piano, so I know that sometimes a toy is much more than... just a toy.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Big-Hearted Kid Wanted to Help Give Away 100 Pianos

Schoenhut Pianos, maker of beautiful toy pianos that look just like the real thing, is looking for a big-hearted, music-loving kid who'd like to help them giveaway 100 My First Pianos to children in need. To be chosen for this prestigious honor, children through age 14 cooperate with their parents to prepare a video wherein they must address 5 specific points:
  • Why you love music
  • How music has made your life better
  • How you helped someone else by sharing music with him or her
  • How needy children in your neighborhood will benefit by receiving Schoenhut My First Piano II (for children ages 3 to 5)
  • Why you (or the child you are nominating) should be the one to give away 100 Schoenhut My First Piano IIs.

The contest starts immediately and continues through June 15. Read the complete details and official rules here.

PlayFair Toys is so supportive of this creative, generous idea, that we're offering a "matching challenge". If a Colorado kid wins this challenge, we're going to (1) donate a Schoenhut "Baby Baby Grand Piano" to the Rocky Mountain Center for Musical Arts in Lafayette, a non-profit, community-based music school founded on the principle of making music available to all, regardless of economic status, and (2) donate a second Schoenhut Toy Grand to a local music school in the community of your choice. But that's not all! The winning Colorado kid will also get a $100 gift certificate to spend at PlayFair Toys store in Boulder. We think you deserve a big pat on the back if you win!

So that's 2 extra pianos, the absolute best toy pianos available, and $100 to the winner, if a Colorado kid wins! So go for it, Colorado kids! Show the world how much you care, and help bring us all together through the joy of music. And although it's not required, I'd love it if you emailed me with your youtube video link! I'll be watching for you!

Yours in music,

Professor PlayFair

Monday, May 18, 2009

Extra special offers on Kettlers and Anamalz May 19

Our Wall-t0-Wall toy sale continues tomorrow, with every single item in the store on sale. We also have special items at an even greater discount every day. See our sale website for complete details and a calendar of upcoming special sale events.

Kettler Tricycles, Bicycles, Scooters and all accessories are 1/3 off their normal price on Tuesday, May 19. 

Also on that day only, we are giving away FREE Anamalz collectibles with the purchase of 2 others.

Friday, May 15, 2009

All Children Are Not Created Equal!

OK, so the title was meant to be provocative, but it's actually something I believe in. It just may not be what you think. I purchased PlayFair Toys in 2004, and at that time they had just shut down their long-time, successful catalog division. On the cover of each catalog, mailed out to hundreds of thousands of US households twice a year, was the tagline, "All Children Are Created Equal."

I began reinventing the business, and we are still working on that reinvention. Hopefully we'll never stop working on it. And here's where we are today - I strongly disagree with that statement. Yes, all children definitely deserve an equal chance. They do not get it, but I know that we all believe strongly that they deserve it. But deserving a fair chance and actually being created equal are different things. What would a world with all equal children look like? Presumably we'd just flip a coin to see who played football this year, because they'd all be about the same. Class valedictorian? We'll draw a name out of a hat.

To be fair, I should explain that this tagline and this company were both developed on a principle that I do hold dearly, so I am picking on semantics a bit when I make the bold statement that I disagree with it! PlayFair Toys was the nation's first toy store founded on the principle that toys should be independent of gender bias or ethnic/racial stereotypes, and that they should be completely non-violent. This was groundbreaking, and it set the tone for the business for decades to come.

We have evolved to meet the extraordinary need for exceptional children to find playthings as special as they are. Whatever age, gender, ethnic or racial background they come from, exceptional children need exceptional playthings. Some of these children are intellectually gifted, even highly or profoundly gifted. Some of them have very special needs. Others have a special talent, a great sensitivity, a strong creative streak, or other way of being different. Some of them are what's called "twice exceptional", with a combination of profound gifts and learning differences that are hard to comprehend. These may be some of the planet's most misunderstood and overlooked kids.

We are not an ordinary toy store! Our customers are truly extraordinary people looking for extraordinary things. Our toys, books, and games are an exceptional mix from around the world, designed to stimulate, educate, challenge, and be enjoyed. Our sales staff is exceptional - they understand these thousands of products and can explain their features and benefits to you, and how these features will benefit your exceptional child. They won't let you leave with the wrong item. Even our silly owner, the writer of this piece, is not an ordinary toy store owner. How many toy store owners have published dozens of scientific articles on global change and ecosystems, or have had a species named after them? How many toy store owners have explored the far reaches of northern Siberia during the Gorbachev era of the USSR? How many toy store owners have chapters in books on High IQ children?

If you have an ordinary child, grandchild, niece, nephew, or young friend, I think you'll greatly enjoy shopping at PlayFair Toys. Our incredibly well-trained sales staff will be there to help you pick out some things that will be enjoyed for months or years. But if you have an extraordinary child in your life, then you will love PlayFair Toys. You will feel believed here. You will feel that finally, someone understands you, understands that your needs and your child are beyond the ordinary.

PlayFair Toys is the store where all the babies are strong, all the grandparents are fabulously good-looking, and all the children are anything but average!

Here's to a world where all children get an equal chance. While we're waiting for that world, let's raise the next generation of leaders to be the best they can be, so they can help us meet this essential goal.

Wall to Wall Sale Extended to May 31st

Because so many of our Preferred Customers were not able to attend the early days of our sale, we have elected to extend it to the end of May. Details at our special sale website - Every single toy, game, book, baby gift, and more is on sale!

Come see us at PlayFair Toys!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Haiku Challenge Ends

Thanks to everyone who participated in our National Poetry Month haiku contest.
The winning entry is Kathy Tompkin's class at the Rocky Mountain School for the Gifted and Creative. They took the challenge seriously and turned it into a fun class project. Here are their wonderful creations:
by David:
Andre is awesome
he is a very cool cat
it's fun when we play

by Sofia:
The wind gently blows
to the south in the winter
Winter comes to Spring

by Katherine
Doodlebug - my dog:
Underneath my chair
getting out from under there
running around here

by Eli:
The rain was pouring
it soon turned to sleet and hail
it turned into snow

by Kiernan:
It flies in the air
you hold the string as it flies
rain makes it fall down

by Gwyn:
A very cute one
it's very fun to have her
a nice little rat

by Samar:
The ocean is cool
everyone loves the ocean
it is very cold

by Grace:
Green, red, blue feathers
my four birds eat their almonds
Scooby is so big

by Kaleena:
Foxes eat bunnies
red foxes run very fast
fur flies in the wind

by Sophia:
Mozart is a dog
Simba is my favorite one
Sasha is fun fun

by Claire:
The wolf is pretty
she has grace in every stride
she is powerful
Congratulations and thank you for taking the challenge! A $30 gift certificate is on the way to your class!

More Haiku

I apologize for getting behind on the daily haiku postings. Here are more haiku sent in by our readers and customers.

Vera Schulte contributed these, and they all made me laugh:

Midnight baby wail.
In the dark, a spiny toy
crunches underfoot.

Mac and cheese - well, fine.
What my toddler really likes:
Gorgonzola cubes.

Papa out of town.
Baby calls the Great White North

Global warming's here.
Burning extra gas to make
Boulder beachfront house.

Inefficient work:
Two weeks of vacation is
plain uncivilized.

Office facetime rules!
Why not work from home though, while
boss reads fishing blogs?

Pearl Street fish tacos?
Bastardized to yuppie dish
At five times the price.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Haiku sent in by you!

Here are the Haiku sent in by my kind newsletter readers today, April 15:

Haiku? Like roping
funny steer: Just one silly
bull at a time works.

--Jamie VanEaton

And 3 by Terzah Becker:

Mom of twins, age two:
My work is never over
My fun, too, endures.

Today my daughter
Took Miss Duck to the doctor:
Pretend play arrives!

Evening with my son:
Eyes rise, looking for the moon
Pale in springtime skies.

Haiku Challenge for April 15th

Uh-oh! Missed a few days! But don't worry. I've made up for it. Today is a 4 haiku day. :-)

Four days no haiku!
Where has the professor been?
Everyone needs rest

Glorious Boulder
City of dreams and visions
So glad I am here

Lunch at City Club
Safe place to share ideas
Smart people goodwill

People want to know
What age my toy store is for
No age police here!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Haiku Challenge for April 10th

End of week draws near
Time to rest, relax, recoup
FAC at 5!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Haiku Challenge for April 8th

My parakeet Einstein
Cries when he can't see my face
So nice to be loved

Join me in the National Poetry Month 2009 Haiku Challenge and you could win up to a $100 gift certificate at PlayFair Toys! I'm only going to pick a winner if I get at least 10 entries. Come on people - how hard is it?! Share your passions, joys, woes, moods, or silly thoughts as 5-7-5. Email them to me and I'll post them here, with just your name unless you give me permission to otherwise identify you.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Haiku Challenge for April 7th

Winter is done with
Its last gasp joke on us all
Spring springs eternal

Monday, April 6, 2009

Haiku Challenge for April 5th and 6th

April 5 haiku:

Magical Sunday
A palette fresh to fill with love
Simplicity rocks

April 6 haiku:

Goals and objectives
Enter not into matters
Strictly of the heart

These sent in by Susan Smith:

hazy sky calls me
beckoning towards my Self
who is it i meet

soul cries for freedom
above below inside out
dare I turn it loose

watched a snowflake die
transitioning of seasons
moving forward now

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Haiku Challenge for April 4th

Winter's hand is still
Holding us up against her
Helping us love spring

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Haiku challenge for April 2nd

Bright sun on fresh snow
Flowers peak through white blanket
Springtime in Boulder!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Haiku Fun Begins

Are you up to the Haiku Challenge? Find your inner muse and we'll share it with the world!

My Destination Haiku

Business owners must
Run faster and faster now
To be the most best!

Submitted by Jon Schallert, March 31, 2009

My April 1 Haiku:

April fool haiku
A tiny little poem
With a great big heart

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Haiku Challenge of 2009

National Poetry Month is here, and I'm doing something about it!

Haiku is a form of Japanese Poetry that is strongly structured and defined, although the structure and definition do not translate perfectly into English. Haiku has 17 "sounds", divided into 3 parts: 5, 7, and 5. A rough English translation uses syllables for these sounds.

I am challenging myself to write one Haiku a day during the entire month of April. I will be Twittering these as well as posting them here.

Here's my invitation to you: Email me your Haiku, and I will post them on the blog (giving you full credit for authorship, of course). You may send me as many Haiku as you wish during the month. You may send me something every day, or save them up and send them all at once. I promise not be too strict, but you should try for the 5-7-5 pattern. You may have your family or your classroom participate. If I get at least 10 participants, then I will select one of you to win a gift certificate good at PlayFair Toys or at The size of the certificate will depend on how many of you participate - but it might be as much as $100!

April Poetry
A month to celebrate words
Join me in my game!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What's New at PlayFair Toys

I know I know I know - I need to write these more often! But what always happens is that we get all this new stuff in, and then I get busy with the stuff itself and I forget to tell you about it!

Anyway - without further explanation for my silence, here are some of the best.

The artistans at eeBoo have a knack for combining art and education in their unique and distinctive products, and their new Nature Notebook, along with the matching Nature Sketchbook and 24 Pencils in Tin set demonstrates this beautifully. Also from eeBoo, the Thoughtful Girls Paper Dolls series shows girls who have hobbies and professions, in a fun and easy vinyl format. My personal favorite is the Naturalist and Explorer set, but there's something for everyone here.

Also just in are handmade beaded bracelets from Guatemala that are only $7.99 - what a lovely gift for Spring - a fashion statement that supports fair trade.

Drift Cars Street Team gives you 6 die-cast cars that you can decorate up and then play with your friends.

New Crochet Kits from Alex - fun and easy, too.

Just for Little Legs is a fun little guide to hiking the area with - Little Legs! Gee - what a surprise! Kids love it when they can go on their own, but you need to gear it toward their interests and capabilities.

Clone Wars Legos, new castle sets, and lots of basic bricks for the creative types out there! I put Lego squarely in the "family fun" category when the open-ended sets are used. I say this from the number of dads who come to play at the Build-a-Bot Bar over their lunch periods!

Automoblox in a rainbow of colors and sizes for every budget. These magnetic cars have wooden bodies and plastic tops, and the more you buy, the more fun you have, as you can mix and match the various parts among sets.

Customers are loving the rainbow of possibilities with Puzzibits, the open ended plastic building toy that works in either 3-D or 2-D, your choice. These are also available as open stock in the Build-a-Bot Bar.

New Groovy Girls and Calico Critters. Who can resist Becky Beaver Visits the Dentist.

Have you seen the new Horse and Dog purses from Douglas? They are loads of fun for Spring!

Many new educational posters, including more laminated ones you've been asking for.

And so much more! Come see! Be sure to check out our fun Ocean World, Pirates, Knights, Fairies, and other displays.

Old Favorites

We also have some great old favorites back that have been out for a while... Spring brings energy, so All American Pogo Sticks in 2 sizes are ready for you, as well as the Folding Trampoline that lets kids hang on while getting their bouncies out.

Favorite craft kits by Creativity for Kids are back in including the Make Your Own Sock Puppets Kit, Butterfly Bedroom, and the beloved Wee Enchanted Fairy Garden.

Erector Sets - yes! This old classic is still a favorite

Tons of arts and crafts - every flavor and color! Something for everyone - either basic supplies or kits - your choice.

Don't forget - when times are tough, you want to make sure that you are getting great value for your money. Cheap toys are not good value - they are a waste. It's more important than ever to make sure that ever penny is well spent. Ask us how you can make an investment in love with toys that will be cherished for generations. Visit PlayFair Toys today, or start shopping now at our online store.