Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More Haiku

I apologize for getting behind on the daily haiku postings. Here are more haiku sent in by our readers and customers.

Vera Schulte contributed these, and they all made me laugh:

Midnight baby wail.
In the dark, a spiny toy
crunches underfoot.

Mac and cheese - well, fine.
What my toddler really likes:
Gorgonzola cubes.

Papa out of town.
Baby calls the Great White North

Global warming's here.
Burning extra gas to make
Boulder beachfront house.

Inefficient work:
Two weeks of vacation is
plain uncivilized.

Office facetime rules!
Why not work from home though, while
boss reads fishing blogs?

Pearl Street fish tacos?
Bastardized to yuppie dish
At five times the price.

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