Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Piano Rules Simplified

I got a call from the good folks at Toy Directory magazine today announcing that they have simplified the rules for the great piano giveaway. You may now submit your applications via email, and no video is required. My own piece in this has not changed! I am challenging Colorado kids to enter, and if one wins, there will be a Schoenhut toy grand donated to a school of the winner's choice, another Schoenhut toy grand piano donated to the Rocky Mountain Center for Musical Arts, and a $100 gift certificate good at PlayFair Toys. Wow!

Teaching children the joys of giving and the value of music in our lives and our communities - what a powerful thing to do - what a gift to give - in this day and age. Please let everyone you know who might be interested in participating in this glorious philanthropic opportunity about this contest -

Why am I throwing in 2 pianos and $100??? Has the Prof gone mad? Not at all! (I was already slightly eccentric...). You see, my own lifetime love of music started with a toy piano, so I know that sometimes a toy is much more than... just a toy.