Getting a toy store featured in the news is no easy feat. Unless, of course, that store is "...not your typical toy store." And that was the lead line of a Denver Channel 2 News feature on PlayFair Toys and green toys that came out on December 3rd. That followed a major feature in the Denver Post the day before, entitled "Keep It Simple, Santa." The Post article focused both on green toys and on going back to basics in an economic downturn. Now is the time to make sure that every purchase you make will be worth the money. Remember that Cheap does not equal Value.
Naturally (no pun intended but hey if you want to laugh that's OK!) we are thrilled to see this emphasis on going green in the world of toys. We do have a choice about how we live our lives, and the values we impart to our children. Buying toys that are environmentally friendly, safe, and that teach children how to live a sustainable lifestyle gives them the skills and the values they need to get our planet through a tough time. PlayFair is in the news because we are helping to bring you toys that support these values. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
How to Save Money on Your Holiday 2008 Toy Purchases
With our local schools out all week for Thanksgiving, it's definitely close to "that time of year." For the next 4 weeks, our email frequency will increase as we bring you tips and thoughts to improve your holiday shopping experience.
One thing that appears certain - this will be a different holiday than past years for many families. And another thing that is certain is that every parent and grandparent longs to show their children love through special gifts and toys. I am going to be addressing holiday toy buying in tough economic times in the coming weeks. Read on to hear my tips on how to make the most of your holiday toy experience.
It all started with a friend who read my last newsletter, and responded by telling me that the newsletter was great, well written and interesting, but that I'd missed the mark by not talking directly about the one thing foremost on so many people's minds these days - the economy. He went on to tell me the story of a plumber who had increased his business significantly by educating his customers about how much money they would save if they purchased "on-demand" water heaters. Even though the original purchase price is higher than a regular water heater, the savings over time quickly makes up for the difference, making this an economical choice.
Well, that had me stumped for a while. I kept thinking that no matter how hard I tried, I could not come up with a way that buying toys could actually save a family money! They can save sanity, and they are important, and they are fun. But I just could not think of anything to tell you that is the equivalent of "Buy a chess set and your electric bill will go down by X amount of dollars in the next year!" I can tell you to buy an on-demand water heater, but I can't tell you to buy it from me!
At least, at first that's what I thought. But then as I let this idea percolate, I realized that I have plenty to say about how you can save money through buying your holiday and every day toys wisely. And I want to share that with you. Each of my newsletters in the coming weeks, and there will be 2-3 each week, will feature some aspect of this strategy. I will make some recommendations for specific products, but the main point is to give you the information you need to make the best choice for your family.
My premise is this - there are certain decisions that you cannot afford to make right now! In a challenging economy, bad decisions have a larger impact than when things are good. The things that you cannot afford to do right now are: (1) to create waste, either of time or money, (2) to weaken your family, or (3) not do all you can to support your children's health. OK, really, you can't afford to do these things any time! But we all do some of the time. When times are good, it is much easier to coast along and not think hard about the choices we make. But when every penny counts, suddenly we have the opportunity to focus in on the values that matter the most to us.
Tip #1: Consider Toys That Will Become Heirlooms
You can't afford to create waste right now, by purchasing junk that will not last. How many toys are broken within a day? How many times do we devalue gifts by giving too many, overwhelming children and relegating many of them to the trash heap in short order? What values do we impart to our children when we do this?
Instead of quantity, think about selecting toys that are so well made they will become a family heirloom. My "heirloom potential" feature will focus on suggestions that have the potential to span generations. Think wooden railway, wooden dollhouses, rocking horses, and some new toys that have the potential to be passed along to the next generation.
Tip #2: Purchase Toys That Strengthen Family Ties
Next to our own health and our own lives, our families are the most valuable things that we have. We need each other. The hectic times we live in often present challenges for families trying to maintain togetherness. If there are stresses on the family, they impact all members.
Almost any toy can foster family togetherness and bonding if you play with your children. But there are certain types of toys that are outstanding in this area, that most easily cross age groups and generations and that foster social interactions. These include games, puzzles, and many construction toys and sets. Pretend play and drama can also strengthen your family. My "Family togetherness" features will encourage strong families.
Tip #3: Purchase Toys That Keeps Kids Healthy Through Activity
Our health is the precious gift we are all born with. Childhood obesity is now considered epidemic. Depending on how it is defined, somewhere between 1 in 20 and 1 in 5 US children are obese, and about 1 in 3 are somewhat overweight. Childhood obesity is the leading cause of pediatric hypertension, is associated with Type II diabetes, increases the risk of coronary heart disease, increases stress on the weight-bearing joints, lowers self-esteem, and affects relationships with peers. There is one cure for obesity - eating less calories than are burned. This means plenty of physical activity, to start children on a lifetime of health and good habits.
Being active comes naturally to most children, and many of the sedentary habits that they take on are only there because we've made it easy. Television and video games are hard to walk away from. Encourage physical activity all year round, for optimal health. My "Physical Activity" feature will help you find toys that will make TV sound as boring as it really is.
And here's where my argument comes full circle - keeping your children healthy and at a reasonable weight will save money. I happen to think it is even more important that it may actually save their lives, but this will also manifest as saving money. Overweight children have far more health issues than those at a healthy weight. Part of our national economic dilemma is due to our health care crisis. Although that is a complex issue, each of us plays a role in solving it when we make decisions to stay healthy and to keep our family healthy.
So there - go ahead and save money and energy for your home with an on-demand water heater. But when it comes to your kids - let's not try to save their energy! Let's get them to use that energy up, so they grow into healthy, stimulated adults. Save money, time, and sanity by buying well.
One thing that appears certain - this will be a different holiday than past years for many families. And another thing that is certain is that every parent and grandparent longs to show their children love through special gifts and toys. I am going to be addressing holiday toy buying in tough economic times in the coming weeks. Read on to hear my tips on how to make the most of your holiday toy experience.
It all started with a friend who read my last newsletter, and responded by telling me that the newsletter was great, well written and interesting, but that I'd missed the mark by not talking directly about the one thing foremost on so many people's minds these days - the economy. He went on to tell me the story of a plumber who had increased his business significantly by educating his customers about how much money they would save if they purchased "on-demand" water heaters. Even though the original purchase price is higher than a regular water heater, the savings over time quickly makes up for the difference, making this an economical choice.
Well, that had me stumped for a while. I kept thinking that no matter how hard I tried, I could not come up with a way that buying toys could actually save a family money! They can save sanity, and they are important, and they are fun. But I just could not think of anything to tell you that is the equivalent of "Buy a chess set and your electric bill will go down by X amount of dollars in the next year!" I can tell you to buy an on-demand water heater, but I can't tell you to buy it from me!
At least, at first that's what I thought. But then as I let this idea percolate, I realized that I have plenty to say about how you can save money through buying your holiday and every day toys wisely. And I want to share that with you. Each of my newsletters in the coming weeks, and there will be 2-3 each week, will feature some aspect of this strategy. I will make some recommendations for specific products, but the main point is to give you the information you need to make the best choice for your family.
My premise is this - there are certain decisions that you cannot afford to make right now! In a challenging economy, bad decisions have a larger impact than when things are good. The things that you cannot afford to do right now are: (1) to create waste, either of time or money, (2) to weaken your family, or (3) not do all you can to support your children's health. OK, really, you can't afford to do these things any time! But we all do some of the time. When times are good, it is much easier to coast along and not think hard about the choices we make. But when every penny counts, suddenly we have the opportunity to focus in on the values that matter the most to us.
Tip #1: Consider Toys That Will Become Heirlooms
You can't afford to create waste right now, by purchasing junk that will not last. How many toys are broken within a day? How many times do we devalue gifts by giving too many, overwhelming children and relegating many of them to the trash heap in short order? What values do we impart to our children when we do this?
Instead of quantity, think about selecting toys that are so well made they will become a family heirloom. My "heirloom potential" feature will focus on suggestions that have the potential to span generations. Think wooden railway, wooden dollhouses, rocking horses, and some new toys that have the potential to be passed along to the next generation.
Tip #2: Purchase Toys That Strengthen Family Ties
Next to our own health and our own lives, our families are the most valuable things that we have. We need each other. The hectic times we live in often present challenges for families trying to maintain togetherness. If there are stresses on the family, they impact all members.
Almost any toy can foster family togetherness and bonding if you play with your children. But there are certain types of toys that are outstanding in this area, that most easily cross age groups and generations and that foster social interactions. These include games, puzzles, and many construction toys and sets. Pretend play and drama can also strengthen your family. My "Family togetherness" features will encourage strong families.
Tip #3: Purchase Toys That Keeps Kids Healthy Through Activity
Our health is the precious gift we are all born with. Childhood obesity is now considered epidemic. Depending on how it is defined, somewhere between 1 in 20 and 1 in 5 US children are obese, and about 1 in 3 are somewhat overweight. Childhood obesity is the leading cause of pediatric hypertension, is associated with Type II diabetes, increases the risk of coronary heart disease, increases stress on the weight-bearing joints, lowers self-esteem, and affects relationships with peers. There is one cure for obesity - eating less calories than are burned. This means plenty of physical activity, to start children on a lifetime of health and good habits.
Being active comes naturally to most children, and many of the sedentary habits that they take on are only there because we've made it easy. Television and video games are hard to walk away from. Encourage physical activity all year round, for optimal health. My "Physical Activity" feature will help you find toys that will make TV sound as boring as it really is.
And here's where my argument comes full circle - keeping your children healthy and at a reasonable weight will save money. I happen to think it is even more important that it may actually save their lives, but this will also manifest as saving money. Overweight children have far more health issues than those at a healthy weight. Part of our national economic dilemma is due to our health care crisis. Although that is a complex issue, each of us plays a role in solving it when we make decisions to stay healthy and to keep our family healthy.
So there - go ahead and save money and energy for your home with an on-demand water heater. But when it comes to your kids - let's not try to save their energy! Let's get them to use that energy up, so they grow into healthy, stimulated adults. Save money, time, and sanity by buying well.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Local is Beautiful: Making Conscious Choices to Support Our Communities
Where and how you spend has direct impacts on the economy, environment, and your quality of life. Our society has been living a throw-away lifestyle, resulting in massive impacts – global warming, wars, and economic strife. We have treated our atmosphere, our water, and our land, as dumps. Chains and big box stores have replaced downtowns and locally-owned businesses across America. Boulder has fared better than most, giving us more opportunity to choose where we spend. This is a critical choice. It’s time to calculate the real cost of where we shop and what we buy.
I admit to a strong personal stake in this argument. Five years ago I gave up a successful career in ecological research to own PlayFair Toys, a long-established Boulder business. One reason behind my decision was a belief that business could be a positive force in a community, a part of the solution to the problems I was studying.
Small changes in spending habits can have big impacts. A recent Michigan study concluded that if the 600,000 residents of Kent County redirected just 10% of their spending to locally-owned businesses, it would create nearly $140 million in new economic activity and 1600 new jobs! A similar study here would not yield precisely the same result, but if we could extrapolate directly it would mean $66 million in new economic activity and 750 new jobs. Even if we’re off by an order of magnitude, that’s an enormous impact. How simple this is – change where you shop just one time in ten – and take a step toward changing the world.
I imagine you thinking, “Yes, but I need to save money by shopping the discount chains.” I understand your concern, but is it accurate? Chains are perceived to be inexpensive due to economy of scale. They frequently license a brand but have it manufactured to a different standard. They keep costs down through questionable business practices that often bypass environmental and human rights standards.
Purchasing products made close to home is one of the most powerful actions we can take to improve the environment and community. Energy is at the core of the economic and environmental mess we are in. Purchasing toys made close to home saves energy through less transportation and helps maintain control over environmental impacts. 80% of toys sold in the US are made in China. People were incredulous when certain large toy manufacturers stated they were not aware lead paint was being used to make their toys, but unfortunately they were probably being truthful. They had probably never set foot in those factories nor even knew their exact location. Ethical toy makers work closely with their factories, wherever they are, to maintain humanitarian and environmental standards. They have a personal relationship with the factory managers and owners.
Large corporations spend many ad dollars to convince us they care deeply about people, communities, and the environment. Target is often cited as a “good” chain store, and they do a better job than some other chains in some areas. Yet Target was fined by the EPA for failing to disclose critical environmental information, has done almost nothing to reduce solid waste despite high profile claims, and was given an “F” by the NAACP for its lack of commitment to people of color.
As you watch your budget, know that toys and games are great values for family entertainment. High quality family games cost less than a trip to the movies, constantly offer new choices, and will provide years of family togetherness. Richard Gottlieb recently wrote in Playthings magazine:
“I think playing games with a parent, siblings, or one's friends leads to social literacy. We learn how to interact with other people using a set of rules about what we can and cannot do. …They provide a way for people to cluster and offer life lessons.”
My investment in PlayFair was an investment in Boulder and in the values of fairness and conscious buying. Founded in 1982 as the first toy store in the US dedicated to offering toys based on fairness to all children, we continue our deep commitment to this core value. In June we were featured as a magazine cover story on Green Retailing, because of our commitment to the environment - from the toys we stock to how we operate.
PlayFair carries many toy and game lines made in the US, from Colorado and elsewhere, that cannot be purchased in chains and big box stores. We can help you with specific information about the toy companies and lines we carry, their safety records and commitment to the environment, wherever their toys are made. Target has an aggressive campaign going to create the image of a specialty toy store within a store. Take a close look at the realities of selection, service, and price before you decide where to spend. I am always available to speak directly with you about any aspect of my business.
PlayFair Toys is here for you, Boulder. We remain 100% locally owned. Our children attend local schools. We donate generously to local schools and family organizations. We know that many of you share our values. I urge you to support locally-owned businesses as one small step toward saving the planet and ourselves.
I admit to a strong personal stake in this argument. Five years ago I gave up a successful career in ecological research to own PlayFair Toys, a long-established Boulder business. One reason behind my decision was a belief that business could be a positive force in a community, a part of the solution to the problems I was studying.
Small changes in spending habits can have big impacts. A recent Michigan study concluded that if the 600,000 residents of Kent County redirected just 10% of their spending to locally-owned businesses, it would create nearly $140 million in new economic activity and 1600 new jobs! A similar study here would not yield precisely the same result, but if we could extrapolate directly it would mean $66 million in new economic activity and 750 new jobs. Even if we’re off by an order of magnitude, that’s an enormous impact. How simple this is – change where you shop just one time in ten – and take a step toward changing the world.
I imagine you thinking, “Yes, but I need to save money by shopping the discount chains.” I understand your concern, but is it accurate? Chains are perceived to be inexpensive due to economy of scale. They frequently license a brand but have it manufactured to a different standard. They keep costs down through questionable business practices that often bypass environmental and human rights standards.
Purchasing products made close to home is one of the most powerful actions we can take to improve the environment and community. Energy is at the core of the economic and environmental mess we are in. Purchasing toys made close to home saves energy through less transportation and helps maintain control over environmental impacts. 80% of toys sold in the US are made in China. People were incredulous when certain large toy manufacturers stated they were not aware lead paint was being used to make their toys, but unfortunately they were probably being truthful. They had probably never set foot in those factories nor even knew their exact location. Ethical toy makers work closely with their factories, wherever they are, to maintain humanitarian and environmental standards. They have a personal relationship with the factory managers and owners.
Large corporations spend many ad dollars to convince us they care deeply about people, communities, and the environment. Target is often cited as a “good” chain store, and they do a better job than some other chains in some areas. Yet Target was fined by the EPA for failing to disclose critical environmental information, has done almost nothing to reduce solid waste despite high profile claims, and was given an “F” by the NAACP for its lack of commitment to people of color.
As you watch your budget, know that toys and games are great values for family entertainment. High quality family games cost less than a trip to the movies, constantly offer new choices, and will provide years of family togetherness. Richard Gottlieb recently wrote in Playthings magazine:
“I think playing games with a parent, siblings, or one's friends leads to social literacy. We learn how to interact with other people using a set of rules about what we can and cannot do. …They provide a way for people to cluster and offer life lessons.”
My investment in PlayFair was an investment in Boulder and in the values of fairness and conscious buying. Founded in 1982 as the first toy store in the US dedicated to offering toys based on fairness to all children, we continue our deep commitment to this core value. In June we were featured as a magazine cover story on Green Retailing, because of our commitment to the environment - from the toys we stock to how we operate.
PlayFair carries many toy and game lines made in the US, from Colorado and elsewhere, that cannot be purchased in chains and big box stores. We can help you with specific information about the toy companies and lines we carry, their safety records and commitment to the environment, wherever their toys are made. Target has an aggressive campaign going to create the image of a specialty toy store within a store. Take a close look at the realities of selection, service, and price before you decide where to spend. I am always available to speak directly with you about any aspect of my business.
PlayFair Toys is here for you, Boulder. We remain 100% locally owned. Our children attend local schools. We donate generously to local schools and family organizations. We know that many of you share our values. I urge you to support locally-owned businesses as one small step toward saving the planet and ourselves.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
4 Ways Your Tax Stimulus Check Can Help You and Our Local Economy
The New Rules Project developed this list and asked that it be freely distributed. I think these are such great ideas that I am passing them along. I urge you to do the same.
4 Ways Your Rebate Check Can Help You and Our Local Economy
Pay Off Credit Card Debt
Americans wasted over $60 billion last year on credit card finance charges—money that could have been put to much more productive use.
Invest In Your Future
Investing doesn't just mean stocks and bonds. You could enroll in a class to improve your skills. Or insulate your home. Or buy a bicycle and save on gas all summer long.
Help Your Neighbors
By donating to a local food bank or nonprofit, you can put your rebate to work helping neighborhood families put food on the table and meet other basic expenses.
Buy From Locally Owned Businesses
Every $100 you choose to spend at a locally owned, independent business generates more than $50 in additional economic activity in our region. That same $100 spent at a big-box store creates only $14 in benefit for the local economy. Much of the difference is due to the fact
that local businesses buy more goods and services from other local businesses, while chains siphon money out of the state.*
* This flyer was published by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and may be
freely copied, distributed, and published. To read the studies and learn more, visit the
institute's web site at
PlayFair Toys is an independent, locally-owned business located in Boulder, Colorado. We are proud to provide healthy educational toys and jobs to our community.
4 Ways Your Rebate Check Can Help You and Our Local Economy
Pay Off Credit Card Debt
Americans wasted over $60 billion last year on credit card finance charges—money that could have been put to much more productive use.
Invest In Your Future
Investing doesn't just mean stocks and bonds. You could enroll in a class to improve your skills. Or insulate your home. Or buy a bicycle and save on gas all summer long.
Help Your Neighbors
By donating to a local food bank or nonprofit, you can put your rebate to work helping neighborhood families put food on the table and meet other basic expenses.
Buy From Locally Owned Businesses
Every $100 you choose to spend at a locally owned, independent business generates more than $50 in additional economic activity in our region. That same $100 spent at a big-box store creates only $14 in benefit for the local economy. Much of the difference is due to the fact
that local businesses buy more goods and services from other local businesses, while chains siphon money out of the state.*
* This flyer was published by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and may be
freely copied, distributed, and published. To read the studies and learn more, visit the
institute's web site at
PlayFair Toys is an independent, locally-owned business located in Boulder, Colorado. We are proud to provide healthy educational toys and jobs to our community.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Top 5 Ways to Save Money on Toys
Is it that I've gained, or did someone put the economy in the dryer on high? It's feeling a bit tight!
Whatever is going on in the world, we all understand that childhood comes but once. We want our children to have rich and happy childhoods, no matter what. We want to be able to offer them great toys, we want them to attend birthday parties, and we want them to have fun. So what can you do when money is tight? Whether you are shopping for birthday gifts, something to make a trip go a bit better, or just planning ways to keep the kids busy this summer, we've got ideas that we will help you save money on your toy purchases.
Consider a group present for birthday parties - It's true that all children are different, but I can't count how many times I've attended a birthday party only to watch the birthday girl or boy quickly become overwhelmed by the number of new things they were presented with, each gift needing and deserving hours of attention. Although it might take a bit more planning on your part, having multiple guests give one present that will be truly appreciated can not only save money but will also make for a less overwhelming and less stressful party experience.
Make a budget and stick to it - Decide what you can afford, and then take only that much in cash with you when you shop. That sounds obvious, but how many times are we swayed by kids who want that next better one? Paying with cash can help them understand the finality of it. Money isn't magical - I have a $20 bill, and that's all I have. We have to find something that fits what we have. So you save money while imbuing a habit for a lifetime - living within our means. Now there's a gift that your children can use!
Consider organizing a toy club - This works mainly for babies and toddlers, but it can work wonders for them. This takes about 4-8 families with similarly aged children to work well, although if you have good organizational skills it could be bigger. Each family has an agreed upon number of toys that they contribute to the club, while they are participating in it (your toys remain your property). It works best if that number is equal to the number of families in the club, so that, for example, in a 4 family club everyone puts in 4 toys. About each 4 weeks, clean and sanitize the toys, get together, and swap, so that the sets of toys rotate among the families. When you get your own toys back, you might consider rotating a new set in. Toy rotation can also be practiced in your own home, but what a cost savings to do it this way! Make it a play date and everyone will look forward to this special day.
Take your time to find the right toy - Take the time to pick out toys that are durable, open-ended, and age appropriate. I emphasize that last point because often we are influenced by what our children may have seen on television or at a friend's house, etc, but if that toy is not developmentally appropriate for our child at this point in time, then it may well end up being a complete waste of money. Once a toy is relegated to a corner because it's either too complex to figure out or too simple to hold interest, it's unlikely to come back out, even when the child is ready for it.
Shop your local, independently-owned toy dealer - This tip really brings all the others together, and it is ultimately the one that makes them all possible. Where else will you find someone who can find the right gift at the right time at the right price? They will spend the time necessary to shop with you. Rather than pointing you to one section of a giant store, "Toys", instead you will be presented with nothing but toys, each carefully selected by an expert in toys and child development. Compare prices, and I suspect you'll be pleasantly surprised at how affordable your local toy store is.
So yes, the economy is very tight, if not downright recessive. But we buy toys because we love our children, plain and simple. Keep your toy buying plain and simple, too, and you'll still be able to help your children have great playthings without breaking the bank.
Whatever is going on in the world, we all understand that childhood comes but once. We want our children to have rich and happy childhoods, no matter what. We want to be able to offer them great toys, we want them to attend birthday parties, and we want them to have fun. So what can you do when money is tight? Whether you are shopping for birthday gifts, something to make a trip go a bit better, or just planning ways to keep the kids busy this summer, we've got ideas that we will help you save money on your toy purchases.
Consider a group present for birthday parties - It's true that all children are different, but I can't count how many times I've attended a birthday party only to watch the birthday girl or boy quickly become overwhelmed by the number of new things they were presented with, each gift needing and deserving hours of attention. Although it might take a bit more planning on your part, having multiple guests give one present that will be truly appreciated can not only save money but will also make for a less overwhelming and less stressful party experience.
Make a budget and stick to it - Decide what you can afford, and then take only that much in cash with you when you shop. That sounds obvious, but how many times are we swayed by kids who want that next better one? Paying with cash can help them understand the finality of it. Money isn't magical - I have a $20 bill, and that's all I have. We have to find something that fits what we have. So you save money while imbuing a habit for a lifetime - living within our means. Now there's a gift that your children can use!
Consider organizing a toy club - This works mainly for babies and toddlers, but it can work wonders for them. This takes about 4-8 families with similarly aged children to work well, although if you have good organizational skills it could be bigger. Each family has an agreed upon number of toys that they contribute to the club, while they are participating in it (your toys remain your property). It works best if that number is equal to the number of families in the club, so that, for example, in a 4 family club everyone puts in 4 toys. About each 4 weeks, clean and sanitize the toys, get together, and swap, so that the sets of toys rotate among the families. When you get your own toys back, you might consider rotating a new set in. Toy rotation can also be practiced in your own home, but what a cost savings to do it this way! Make it a play date and everyone will look forward to this special day.
Take your time to find the right toy - Take the time to pick out toys that are durable, open-ended, and age appropriate. I emphasize that last point because often we are influenced by what our children may have seen on television or at a friend's house, etc, but if that toy is not developmentally appropriate for our child at this point in time, then it may well end up being a complete waste of money. Once a toy is relegated to a corner because it's either too complex to figure out or too simple to hold interest, it's unlikely to come back out, even when the child is ready for it.
Shop your local, independently-owned toy dealer - This tip really brings all the others together, and it is ultimately the one that makes them all possible. Where else will you find someone who can find the right gift at the right time at the right price? They will spend the time necessary to shop with you. Rather than pointing you to one section of a giant store, "Toys", instead you will be presented with nothing but toys, each carefully selected by an expert in toys and child development. Compare prices, and I suspect you'll be pleasantly surprised at how affordable your local toy store is.
So yes, the economy is very tight, if not downright recessive. But we buy toys because we love our children, plain and simple. Keep your toy buying plain and simple, too, and you'll still be able to help your children have great playthings without breaking the bank.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Boulder Families Celebrate Earth Day 2008
PlayFair Toys Presents EARTH DAY 2008 with events and happenings to help raise awareness of our role and our children's role in keeping our planet clean and sustainable for many millennia. All events are free and open to the public. Call 303-444-7502 for more information.
Saturday April 19, 12-2 PM
Join local artist Diana Mercer of Clementine Arts Kits and Clementine Studios as she leads children through an open-ended sculpture making activity. There is no charge for this drop-in event. Participants and customers can register to win a free Clementine Refillable Reusable Art Kit of their choice! Free reservations are suggested to assure a space. Please call 303-444-7502 to reserve.
World Premier, Tuesday, April 22nd, 4
PM Encore performance Saturday April 26th, noon
Presented by our very own PlayFair Players, The Princess and the Polar Bear presents the lighter side of global warming and environmental change, offering kids concrete ways in which they can help shape their future to be safe and sane.
We've always offered you a strong selection of science books. This week we introduce our strongest ever environmental book selection for children and teen. Help your children develop an awareness of their place on the planet early.
GREEN TOYS All Year Long
We've always offered you a great selection of environmentally friendly toys. Now we take that further with more offerings of naturally-made products and better information on your toys. We are here to help you understand what makes a toy safe for your child and safe for the environment. Let us help you find that perfectly safe perfect toy for the child you love so much.
PlayFair Toys may well be the planet's only toy store run by an international expert on global warming and the environment. Dr. Marilyn Walker has authored dozens of papers and book chapters on this topic, and she brings her passion for the environment to PlayFair and to the books, toys, and games we offer you.
We are always here to help you. You can support a local business that's here to support your smart kid by shopping now, either online or in our award-winning Boulder toy store.
Saturday April 19, 12-2 PM
Join local artist Diana Mercer of Clementine Arts Kits and Clementine Studios as she leads children through an open-ended sculpture making activity. There is no charge for this drop-in event. Participants and customers can register to win a free Clementine Refillable Reusable Art Kit of their choice! Free reservations are suggested to assure a space. Please call 303-444-7502 to reserve.
World Premier, Tuesday, April 22nd, 4
PM Encore performance Saturday April 26th, noon
Presented by our very own PlayFair Players, The Princess and the Polar Bear presents the lighter side of global warming and environmental change, offering kids concrete ways in which they can help shape their future to be safe and sane.
We've always offered you a strong selection of science books. This week we introduce our strongest ever environmental book selection for children and teen. Help your children develop an awareness of their place on the planet early.
GREEN TOYS All Year Long
We've always offered you a great selection of environmentally friendly toys. Now we take that further with more offerings of naturally-made products and better information on your toys. We are here to help you understand what makes a toy safe for your child and safe for the environment. Let us help you find that perfectly safe perfect toy for the child you love so much.
PlayFair Toys may well be the planet's only toy store run by an international expert on global warming and the environment. Dr. Marilyn Walker has authored dozens of papers and book chapters on this topic, and she brings her passion for the environment to PlayFair and to the books, toys, and games we offer you.
We are always here to help you. You can support a local business that's here to support your smart kid by shopping now, either online or in our award-winning Boulder toy store.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What's New at PlayFair Toys in Boulder, CO, March 11 2008
We continue to restock your favorite toys, games, books, etc. Here's what's come in the door since my last update on February 15:
Lots of Arts and Crafts kits and art supplies including:
Legos are back in! We are so happy to see those shelves full again. There are new sets for 2008 a well as old favorites in the area of Lego City, Star Wars, and racers, our customer's favorites. We also have many new and returning Gears! Gears! Gears! sets by Learning Resources.
Magz toys and Magna-Tiles, plus Quadrilla is back.
New and old dolls by Corolle, and finally your favorite Ryan's Room dollhouse furniture!
There is a new spring Calico Critters playset - Spotty and Stella's Swimming Adventure. (And a sneak warning - there will be a new Calico Critters Manor House available in 4th quarter 2008 only - preorders will be taken until we have no more stock)
New Groovy Girls are in, including the bubblegum princesses, and some new supersize Groovy Girls dolls.
At your request, we have a small but nice selection of Polly Pockets.
Only Hearts Club dolls, horses, and stables are in with many new pieces, outfits, and now pets!
Woodkins are in- all styles.
Your favorite Zoobies are in. New styles are coming before summer.
Puppets puppets puppets puppets! Folkmanis has just introduced new Gift Box puppets, a kitten and puppy for that special occasion. Also they have expanded their line of Stage Puppets following their popularity last year. While the standard Folkmanis puppets are more like stuffed animals, the stage puppets are just a head and are perfect for putting on a show.
And how convenient that Puppet Theaters are also in!
For puzzlers, be sure to ask about Puzzibits, a way to make 3-dimensional creations from hexagonal plastic pieces - hard to describe but plenty of fun.
As always, we have new puzzles daily, everything from wooden peg puzzles to 5000 piece jigsaws for the most avid adult puzzle lovers.
Plasmacars! Also every single Kettler tricycle and bicycle is now in stock, fabulous springtime gifts. The face of your preschooler or toddler on a tricycle is a memory you will cherish forever. We also have Kettler scooters in both a beginning and more advanced style.
One of my personal favorites, the Schleich Animal Nursery, is back in, along with all the accessories to create a realistic African Kraal playspace. These play sets are not only unusual but also incredibly authentic and detailed. They would be great for a classroom activity on Africa, but they are designed as toys and have loads of play value.
WOW - Science Kits, Science Models - so much to see! Brand new Heart and Brain models by Learning Resources - incredibly detailed models help simulate dissection of a human brain and heart. Also we now have the Visible Woman and Visible Man models that you have been asking for. Our science kits have been restocked with kits from Scientific Explorer, most under $20 and perfect especially for young kids (they go as young as 4), Young Scientists Club (perfect for homeschoolers, the entire series is back in stock).
You asked for them - you got them - Lab Coats for kids! Coming soon, imprinted with Professor PlayFair, just like our staff wears!
The weather is changing fast, and we have plenty to do outdoors. Kites, jump ropes, juggling sticks, hopscotch, frisbee golf, and more.
New in our gift area are Anamalz, handcrafted wooden animal figurines, each one unique. Must be seen and touched to be appreciated.
Many continuing and new Train Sets from Learning Curve, as well as the popular and well-priced train and activity table by Melissa and Doug.
Darda Car Sets - basics are in, plus new Glow in the Dark and super looping sets.
Keep checking back here to see what's new. Call the Boulder store at 303-444-7502 or visit the PlayFair Toys website. Not everything mentioned here is immediately available for sale through the website. And don't forget to keep up with that crazy Professor PlayFair - she's always got suggestions for science, play, and just plenty to think about!
Thank you for making us a part of your lives for the 26th straight year!
Lots of Arts and Crafts kits and art supplies including:
- Make Your Own Pinata Kits, which are featured in our Spring Flyer (hitting Boulder mailboxes any day now)
- New Wire Art kits that are both thematic and large and general including horses, bracelets, sculpture, creatures, and more
- Make a Plates are back in and make a great project for Easter
- Old favorites are back including Monster Trucks Custom Shop, Ancient Egypt Mummies, Make Your Own Fleece Pillow
- Wee Enchanted Fairy Garden is a great choice for Spring! Other good spring projects include the EZ Build Birdhouse and EZ Build Biplane
Legos are back in! We are so happy to see those shelves full again. There are new sets for 2008 a well as old favorites in the area of Lego City, Star Wars, and racers, our customer's favorites. We also have many new and returning Gears! Gears! Gears! sets by Learning Resources.
Magz toys and Magna-Tiles, plus Quadrilla is back.
New and old dolls by Corolle, and finally your favorite Ryan's Room dollhouse furniture!
There is a new spring Calico Critters playset - Spotty and Stella's Swimming Adventure. (And a sneak warning - there will be a new Calico Critters Manor House available in 4th quarter 2008 only - preorders will be taken until we have no more stock)
New Groovy Girls are in, including the bubblegum princesses, and some new supersize Groovy Girls dolls.
At your request, we have a small but nice selection of Polly Pockets.
Only Hearts Club dolls, horses, and stables are in with many new pieces, outfits, and now pets!
Woodkins are in- all styles.
Your favorite Zoobies are in. New styles are coming before summer.
Puppets puppets puppets puppets! Folkmanis has just introduced new Gift Box puppets, a kitten and puppy for that special occasion. Also they have expanded their line of Stage Puppets following their popularity last year. While the standard Folkmanis puppets are more like stuffed animals, the stage puppets are just a head and are perfect for putting on a show.
And how convenient that Puppet Theaters are also in!
For puzzlers, be sure to ask about Puzzibits, a way to make 3-dimensional creations from hexagonal plastic pieces - hard to describe but plenty of fun.
As always, we have new puzzles daily, everything from wooden peg puzzles to 5000 piece jigsaws for the most avid adult puzzle lovers.
Plasmacars! Also every single Kettler tricycle and bicycle is now in stock, fabulous springtime gifts. The face of your preschooler or toddler on a tricycle is a memory you will cherish forever. We also have Kettler scooters in both a beginning and more advanced style.
One of my personal favorites, the Schleich Animal Nursery, is back in, along with all the accessories to create a realistic African Kraal playspace. These play sets are not only unusual but also incredibly authentic and detailed. They would be great for a classroom activity on Africa, but they are designed as toys and have loads of play value.
WOW - Science Kits, Science Models - so much to see! Brand new Heart and Brain models by Learning Resources - incredibly detailed models help simulate dissection of a human brain and heart. Also we now have the Visible Woman and Visible Man models that you have been asking for. Our science kits have been restocked with kits from Scientific Explorer, most under $20 and perfect especially for young kids (they go as young as 4), Young Scientists Club (perfect for homeschoolers, the entire series is back in stock).
You asked for them - you got them - Lab Coats for kids! Coming soon, imprinted with Professor PlayFair, just like our staff wears!
The weather is changing fast, and we have plenty to do outdoors. Kites, jump ropes, juggling sticks, hopscotch, frisbee golf, and more.
New in our gift area are Anamalz, handcrafted wooden animal figurines, each one unique. Must be seen and touched to be appreciated.
Many continuing and new Train Sets from Learning Curve, as well as the popular and well-priced train and activity table by Melissa and Doug.
Darda Car Sets - basics are in, plus new Glow in the Dark and super looping sets.
Keep checking back here to see what's new. Call the Boulder store at 303-444-7502 or visit the PlayFair Toys website. Not everything mentioned here is immediately available for sale through the website. And don't forget to keep up with that crazy Professor PlayFair - she's always got suggestions for science, play, and just plenty to think about!
Thank you for making us a part of your lives for the 26th straight year!
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